Pool Calculator

Released a new app on iOS. Its a simple pool water calculator. You can enter the values from your test kit and it will tell you the condition of your water.

I made this app to test the whole process. It was something simple enough that I can do quickly and get a feel for submitting a app. This way I can figure out any easy to fix gotchas now before submitting a more complex app.

It wasn’t as bad as I expected but wasn’t easy either. There are a few steps to submit your app.  From getting the certs from Apple to building your app to getting all the necessary  docs ready and finally sending in your app it takes some time.

Then you have to wait for it to be reviewed. For me this was about 6 working days.  Once it was in review the rest was very quick. Maybe two hours later it was on iTunes.

I have some more updates for this app also. I knew this before submitting the first version. I also wanted to test the update process so that will come next.

Anyway if you have a pool and need to know if your water is balanced give my app a try. I would love to hear any feedback or ideas for improvements. Like I said its only the first version and I already have some updates planned.





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